Thursday, January 15, 2015

week 7

So alot has happened this week.  The coolest thing is that this last Saturday Elder Christopherson gave a devotional for all of South America, and because the devotional was in Buenos Aires, I was able to go and watch in person.  Also really cool, there was a short question and answer session at the end, and all except one of the questions was focused on the work.  Which is awesome!  His talk was on the atonement and on repentance.  Also everyone spoke in Spanish and I was able to understand it all (its always easier to understand the northamericans :)  My favorite thing that he said was during the Q&As, someone asked what we should do if someone feels like all churches are the same and doesn't understand the importance of this church.  First his respose was "let me guess Catolica Postolica Romana?" and we all laughed some.  And after that he said that the best thing we can do is get them reading the Book of Mormon and allow them to feel the spirit of the Book of Mormon.  And that had alot of significance for me because of Rafaela and Daniel and also because of the other thing that happened this week.  Thursday morning President Robertson (our mission president) called and told us there are making some changes was a possibility of them closing down our area, then Thursday night we got a call that confirmed that.  So Saturday after the devotional both Hna Millet and I were taken out of our area.  As I said in the last letter, when we read the introduction of the Book of Mormon with Rafaela she said that she knows that the book and she even asked what she needs to do to be baptized.  However in the last lesson we had with her, last Friday, she was back to all churches are the same, she was already bapized, and her pastor had authority to baptize her through the Holy Ghost.  And we were able to tell her that we know that this is God's church, with His authority, and that she will be able to know through reading the Book of Mormon.  Thankfully she had already started reading, and because of this I was able to feel peace when Elder Christopherson said the best thing we can do is get them reading the Book of Mormon.  So that's my other big change, I'm in a new area!  So, I'm in Junin A, my companion's name is Hna Leiva, she is latina so now I have to talk in Spanish all the time, and she is really nice, so I'm not worried about this companionship.  Lots of people have told me how Junin is the promised land, I'm kinda rolling my eyes at the phrasing, but it is really pretty here and the people I have met are super awesome.  I've already met our sister training leaders and they are both northamerican and really fun, both of them have a California accent and it fits their personalities really well.  So I do still miss Ramos Mejía, and Daniel and Rafaela are in my throughts alot, but I am also excited for this new change.  And truly Junin is very different from Ramos Mejia.  The sister training leaders said that it's very easy to be happy here.  Regardles, I'm happy to be wherever I'm called.  I love you all and hope the next week is great.  Have a good one!

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