Thursday, January 15, 2015

week 13

Hey everyone.  It was sooooooo good to see and hear you all this Christmas.  During the whole skype call, I kept thinking that truly my family is so beautiful.  I am so blessed to be a part of this family and I am so blessed to have all your prayers and all of your love.  It was am awesome Christmas!!!  This week has been kinda crazy, but in the good way.  I was just looking back on the week with my agenda, and I had forgotten that at the begining of this week is was in a trio, and now it's Hna Leiva and I again.  We all like Hna Theobald, Hna Gerber's new companion, alot.  I was super impressed at how chill she was about skyping her family.  I was also surprised at my own reaction.  I thought seeing you guys would make me homesick, but during the skype call, I was simply happy, and afterwards I was ready to work again.  I was glad when the 26th hit so, I could more easily focus in on being a missionary, because I was a little distracted for the rest of the 25th.  On the 26th we had a group fast for one of our investigator's, Lucia.  She and her aunt, Graciela, are long term investigators, and they are super awesome.  The thing with Lucia is that she knows the gospel is true and she's reading in the Book of Mormon, right now she's in Alma, but she has been living with someone for the last five years and she doesn't know whether she should separate from him or marry him, so she just keeps living with him.  We followed up over telefone to see what she has felt, and she said she hasn't recieved her answer, but we're going to visit with her soon and see how it goes.  Also this week we've had a lesson with one of Graciela's nieces, Veronica, and it went pretty well.  She has alot of questions about the Plan of Salvation, and what we talked about made sense to her, I'm excited for the next chance to meet with her.  She's super friendly and super organized about scheduling.  Also we have a mirical investigator, Kevin, that came to the church 2 weeks after we and the other Hnas talked to him in cyber.  We've taught him the restauration, and he came to church (and FHE and fútbol during the week) again this last Sunday.  Unfortunately he is a little flirtatious, so the next time we're going to try explain clearly our purpose.  Also, he read the testimony of Joseph Smith and one of the chapter's in Nephi (which is super awesome), but when we asked him if he has prayed about it, he said that he doesn't need to because we are so confident.  When he said that I was thinking, "Por favor, que tipo de respuesta es este."   Cristian is still going super strong.  The more I talk with him the more I'm impressed by him.  This Sunday, when I thanked him for coming to church, he told me about how in the morning he knew that he needed to turn on the light or else he was going to fall back asleep, so he turned on the light and said "ha ha gané (I won!)".  On sunday we visited with Flia Aranda their not they are a family that was menos activo and still needs help.  We taught them about gratitute using a conference talk from april, I really hope that they are able to think about the message more, because its sad to see them discontent so often.  And they are a pretty awesome family, they're always willing to open their home to us and to share their food with us.  Anyway I love you guys a ton.  I'm super grateful for all of your example's to me.  And I hope new year's goes well.
ps. Once again, SUPER AWESOME that you kept up the tradition with the Christmas thing, Mom.  Muchas Gracias!

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