Thursday, January 15, 2015

week 6

Wow, that story about Sam made me laugh some.  Our family really is awesome.  Something I'm super grateful for.  Transfers came and went and its still just me and Hna Millet.  I really like working with her, and she has helped me and taught me a lot.  With mail, all mail goes to the offices, and I forget to check to see if I have mail, but I'm going to check tonight.  We're super close to the mission offices so sorry about that.  So this week has been awesome.  First with Rafaela, we read the introduction to the Book of Mormon with her, and she has already been reading different chapters that we have been giving her and we know that she likes reading the Book of Mormon, so we were reading the intro together, and when she got to the part about "we invite all to read..." she paused and started to cry (which she kindof does alot) and she asked us if we know why she is being emotional.  My companion is nodding her head yes, and I'm nodding my head no because I truly had no idea and I'm worried and thinking is she ok, and she tells us that she has received her answer, that she knows that this church is the Lord's true church.  Sad thing is I think she is starting to doubt, but we'll see.  Also her son Daniel, everyday comes closer to the Lord.  This week he prayed for the first time out loud, so hopefully he is praying more in private as well.  He's very fun to teach, because everytime we talk with him there the sense that he gets it in a way that his Mom doesn't.  His mom is a little more dramatic, but I feel like Daniel understands better the quiet voice of the spirit.  We've also met a lot of people this week that have been prepared by the Lord to hear this message.  As always thanks for the letters and I love you a ton. 

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