Thursday, January 15, 2015

week 4

As a matter of fact there have been some cool experiences this week.  This week has been a struggle with too much walking and not enough lessons, but the lessons we have had have been worth it.  First off Rafaela and her family.  This is the family most dear to mine and Hna Millet's hearts.  I've already told you a little about her and her son, so here is a little more info.  Rafaela is living together with Ramon, and Ramon has a daughter, Sofia.  So in the family is Rafaela, Ramon, Daniel, and Sofia.  Ramon is the slowest progressing, he is never a part of the lessons, but he has always been friendly and recently he has been warming up to Hna Millet and I more.  I think we teach Rafaela and Daniel the most, but Sofia is often a part of the lessons.  And this week we taught them the Plan of Salvation and part of The Gospel of Christ.  After teaching the Plan of Salvation along with forever families, I extended the baptismal invitation.  And everyone was silent.  And its pretty funny to me now, because after a bit, Hna Millet asked "did you understand my companion?"  Like, was her spanish really that bad?  And then we started talking about baptizm some and why it is important, and it was cool because both Daniel and Sofia mentioned how the Plan of Salvation makes sense.  They didn't commit to anything, but they are sincerely searching.  Then later in the week we were able to find Jaquelin Vera, Rafaela's niece who is menos activo.  Jaquelin is the person who originally gave us the reference for Rafaela, but it is dificult to find Jaquelin because she has a busy work schedule.  Saturday was the first time that I had talked to Jaquelin, and we knock on her door multiple times during the week.  And coolest part of this week is that: Rafaela, Daniel, Sofia, and Jaquelin all came to chuch this Sunday!  Rafaela is sincerely searching in both the Bible and the Book of Mormon for answers especially about priesthood authority, which is huge for her.  In the beginning when we talked with her about priesthood authority the lessons because slightly contentious because she believes/believed (not quite sure right now) that her church also has priesthood authority.  Sofia is reading the Book of Mormon from the beginning, because she is like Lexie and I, she likes reading, so for her it makes sense to read from the begining.  And Daniel is reading in the Book of Mormon which is also huge to go from saying, "I'm atheist" to bending enough to read and consider.  And both of us do think that Daniel is searching and is interested because he is almost always a part of the lessons, and he has the interested look.  And all of them liked church (They only stayed for Sacrament Meeting/ but hey that's the most important meeting).  Hna Millet called the family later, and asked Daniel what he thought abut church and he said "me encantó" ("I loved it")  This family truly is awesome.  And sacrament meeting was perfect, because it was all about families (yesterday was Día de la Madre) and families are a huge focus for this family.  Rafaela, everytime we get her family together talking about God, she cries.  Daniel has told us that one of his main goals in life is to be a good Dad when he has kids.  Something kinda cool happened to me yesterday.  There was this man, Lucas, working on his motorbike as we were walking down the street, and Hna Millet told me that she wanted me to talk to him.  So I start talking to him, and he tells us that he is ateo(atheist) so Hna Millet asks him why he is ateo, and he says something about how there are so many different beliefs about God and life and such, that there is there is no way to be sure.  So I was able to give him a brief sumary about the Restoration and also the Book of Mormon and it was really cool, to feel the Spirit testify that yes, The church of God has been restored through Joseph Smith and you are able to know through the Book of Mormon.  I think he felt the spirit as we because as I testified about the Restoration and also the Book of Mormon, he look alot more interested.  We invited him to Family Home Evening at the church tonight and he says he is coming so, way cool.  Anyway I love you all.  Have a great week!

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