Thursday, January 15, 2015

week 14

As always, thanks for you letter.  No need to worry on my side, this week has been a lot better as far as energy goes.  I've started putting on sunscreen everyday and drinking tons of water.  So yep, I've been pretty awake this week.  I'm pretty sure your prayers on my behalf have helped as well.  Its good to know that Timothy is now out of the hospital.  Ánd yes I will definately continue to pray for him.  I actually love what you said about visiting teaching, because I am learning alot about how everyone needs a friendly face, and how that goes a long way towards activity in the church.  For example in Junin, most of the missionary work is with JAS (jovenes adultos solteros) ( young single adults) because we have fútbol every saturday, and they're all able to make friends with each other.  Also your right on when you say that alot of our work is with rescuing and reactivating.  Also good news with Kevin, he's stoped being being flirtatious.  Now he sees us more as friends/missionaries and nothing more.  Also a super cool experience was when we had a lesson with him on Fridayand we brought Cristian with us and they hit it off.  They were talking like they were friends forever, laughing about every random thing and talking about every random thing.  And they sat next to each other in church on Sunday.  Also during the week we brought Silvia, another recent convert to a lesson with Graciela, and they ended up sitting next to each other in sacrament meeting.  It's super easy to see the difference between someone that has a friend in the ward/branch, and someone that doesn't, and one of my goals for after the mission is to improve in my dedication to visiting teaching because people need friends in the church.  This week was also a special week for less actives because we kept running into less actives without planning or anything.  The most special was when we went to visit with Celi, an investigator, and she wasn't home but we were able to talk to Louis, a recent convert, that lives nearby and we were able to help him and encourage him some, because he's been struggling lately.  Anyway, I love you lots.  Thankyou for keeping me updated on everything and for praying for me.  I love you and am praying for all of you as well.

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