Thursday, January 15, 2015

week 10

Wow, first off thanks for telling me about Sis Brucker.  She is an awesome lady, and I am glad that the ward is helping the family with meals and such.  I'm glad that you had a good week.  I had a pretty awesome week as well.  There are 3 companionships in our branch, and on Thanksgiving all 6 of us went to this place called La Carpa which is basically Golden Coral but better.  While we were there a PuertoRican lady came up and started talking with all of us in English and the two other hermanas were able to give her a "El es la Dadiva" card and note down her information so they could visit her.  So that was pretty cool.  Then this Sunday we had 7 investigators in church!  Elder Starr (our district leader) kept asking, "hermanas what did you do? Do you have any advice?"  But it wasn't anything that we did, it truly was a miracle, especially because I feel that our invitations to come to church still need a lot of improvement.  Also something amazing just happened, today during email time one of our investigators called us.  He already has a baptizmal date, but we all acknowledged that it was more of a goal date, not a firm date.  Anyway, he called us and told us that he received his answer and that he wants to be baptized!!!  This is the first time this has ever happend to me, and oh my word, it feels amazing!  We have met a lot a great people here.  Displaying DSCF1058.JPG

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