Thursday, January 15, 2015

Week 2

I'm way glad you are doing the Halloween tree this year, and I bet Sarah and John will have lots of fun helping you decorate it.  I think your tradition with the Halloween tree and later the 3-4 Christmas trees is such a cool tradition, and I've loved always having those fun trees in our house.  It is so great that your also making the pillowcases and sending them in care packages, stuff like that truly does brighten people's day.  The care packages that you and Heather sent me at BYU helped me a ton, so I know that these gifts you're working on now do help cheer people up.  Also, that is way cool that Hna Millet's mom tracked you down.  Hna Millet, really is a great trainer.  I love watching how she teaches and how she often testifies that the message will be able to help you in your life.  The coolest thing from this week has been, when we've taught the restoration.  Until now I've never testified of the truthfullness of the restoration of the gospel of Jesus Christ to people outside of this church, because I've know how crazy it sounds.  But everytime we have testified about the restoration I feel the spirit testify that this is true.  And the other cool part is how the other person reacts.  There were two different women this week, who when we taught them about the restoration, they were excited and expressed how this actually makes sense to them.  So that's been the coolest part of this week.  The most difficult part is how we have been having a great first lesson and then stuff comes up.  One woman called us and told us that she just got a new job, so she won't be able to visit with us for a while.  So we figure we are going to wait and see with her.  Another called us and told us that she liked our message and later she will probably want to meet with the missionaries more but for right now because her family is going through some stuff (we don't know what exactly) her family doesn't have the time to meet with us.  So I'm glad to be here and I do feel like everyday, the Lord strengthens me a little more.  Thank you so much for your letters.  They also strengthen me.  And I do agree with you, confrence was great.  They ended up letting all us north american missionaries watch the confrence in English, which was a blessing.  Hope the next week goes well, and I love you both.  
-Love Alyssa

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