Thursday, January 15, 2015

week 11&12

Week 11
Love you both alot.  Things are going pretty overy here.  Thankyou for your loving words and for all your letters.  It's good to know that Heather and folks are finally able to make the move.  Also pretty exciting, Cristian is still going super strong.  In every single lesson he is willing to follow through with the commandments. Law of Chastity, Word of Wisdom, Tithing, all of them he hasn't had a problem. And..........he is going to be baptized this Saturday!!! Yesterday Hna Leiva asked him why he wants to be baptized, and his answer touched my heart and increased my faith. He said that he has gone to a couple of other churches, but he has felt the most peace in this church and through the Book of Mormon. His reason for his faith is the same as my reason for my faith (because of the peace in this church) but it is good to hear from someone else that he feels different in this church. 
Week 12:
So.....first off sorry about last week.  I started to write you last and I wasn't watching the time as well as I should have been, and while I was typing I ran out of time and the computer turned off.  Physically all was well, but emotionally, I was feeling super homesick during email time so it was difficult to type.  Today is a whole lot better.  Honestely I love the length of your letters, I love the questions, and the little details that you include about the family and everyone.  Also great news!  Well two great news.  One is that this week the Aldrege's and senior couple that works in the mission offices came up to Junin in order to do some stuff, and they brought with them, a whole bunch of letters.  The letter with the money wasn't a part of the group, but the advent calender letters were.   I'm not up to date with the letters but I read a bunch this morning, and I loved them so much.  The fact that you included both scriptues and little letters from my nieces and nephews touched my heart so much.  As part of this group of letters was one from Lexie that said I have to wait unto the 24th to open it, so I'll be patient.  The other awesome news is that Cristian was baptized Saturday, and confirmed Sunday.  Crazy right.  Everything went so fast with him, and I'm grateful that we have retention lessons, so we can go over the doctrine and everything at a slower pace.  It was really sweet, the week before the baptism he asked us if we're going to keep meeting with him afterwards, because he likes to fight.  (He's someone that likes to debate for the sake of debating, but always in good humor)  We've also been teaching his grandma and aunt, Graciela y Lucia, and it was really funny.  One day we were teaching him in Graciela's house and they started to debate and it was like they were the same person.  Graciela and Lucia are both really awesome.  They've been meeting with the missionaries for a while now and they both come to church every Sunday.  Their love for the Lord and for other people is really impressive.  Sadly they both have something holding them back.  I love you so much.  Thankyou for the prayers, and the comfort, and the letters.

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