Tuesday, January 20, 2015

week 17

First off, I loved reading your letter.  Its so cool to hear about visiting teaching and also about the family and about my grandparents.  And it made me laugh that you made sure to reassure that I shouldn't worry about the car.

With Kevin, I'm a little frustrated, just because I know that the teaching process is probably going to take some time with him.  We had a really good lesson with him this week were both Hna Leiva and I both felt the spirit directing the lesson.  And he was able to openly express his feelings and we were able to testify that it is only through following the commandments of God that we are able to feel peace and happiness.  But there is part of him that doesn't want to give up the world in order to follow God.  Which obviously we all have those things that are hard for us to give up, but anyway thats that.  

This Saturday was pretty interesting.  The morning was awful, but the evening was awesome.  In the morning had a lesson with Estela Mari, and the Spirit was completely absent.  We started the lesson singing "Love at home" (classic right) , and the son was not showing love for his mom, and nobody was paying attention to the message.  Then right afterward we went to follow up with someone that we only had one lesson with, and he returned the Book of Mormon that we gave him.  But in the evening we were able to go to a baptizm, and Kevin came as well.  And Kevin liked the baptismal talks.  And I was so happy to be at that baptism and feel the Spirit.  Also something that was really good about this week was that Hna Leiva and I were able to have an impromptu companionship inventory, where we were both able to express what we were feeling.  We've been having different opinions about almost everything and its caused some tension, especially because I kept bottling up my feelings.  So it helped a ton when we both expressed our feelings and I was able to vent some of my frustration, and Hna Leiva was so calm about it. 

After that night we've had a lot more unity in our teaching and that's been a huge relief.  One of my goals for the mission, is to learn how to communicate better, because my natural tendency to to pretend that everything is alright, and I really think that that night helped me in my goal of learning to communicate better.  A example of that is when after the lesson with Estela Mari, Hna Leiva was unusually quiet, and I was thinking, "she's probably mad at me for teaching poorly", and then I realized that I didn't know that for sure and that I needed to ask her.  So I asked her straightforward, "are you mad at me" and I learned that no she wasn't mad, she was unusually quiet because the lack of the spirit in the lesson really afected her.  Anyway, thats my thoughts from this week.  Another side note, I now understand why everyone always thought it was so awesome that as youth we went to seminary, because I now feel the same pride for all the young singles in our branch.  Everytime I see them I keep thinking about how awesome they all are for putting God first in their lives.  Anyway I love you lots.

Thursday, January 15, 2015

week 14

As always, thanks for you letter.  No need to worry on my side, this week has been a lot better as far as energy goes.  I've started putting on sunscreen everyday and drinking tons of water.  So yep, I've been pretty awake this week.  I'm pretty sure your prayers on my behalf have helped as well.  Its good to know that Timothy is now out of the hospital.  Ánd yes I will definately continue to pray for him.  I actually love what you said about visiting teaching, because I am learning alot about how everyone needs a friendly face, and how that goes a long way towards activity in the church.  For example in Junin, most of the missionary work is with JAS (jovenes adultos solteros) ( young single adults) because we have fútbol every saturday, and they're all able to make friends with each other.  Also your right on when you say that alot of our work is with rescuing and reactivating.  Also good news with Kevin, he's stoped being being flirtatious.  Now he sees us more as friends/missionaries and nothing more.  Also a super cool experience was when we had a lesson with him on Fridayand we brought Cristian with us and they hit it off.  They were talking like they were friends forever, laughing about every random thing and talking about every random thing.  And they sat next to each other in church on Sunday.  Also during the week we brought Silvia, another recent convert to a lesson with Graciela, and they ended up sitting next to each other in sacrament meeting.  It's super easy to see the difference between someone that has a friend in the ward/branch, and someone that doesn't, and one of my goals for after the mission is to improve in my dedication to visiting teaching because people need friends in the church.  This week was also a special week for less actives because we kept running into less actives without planning or anything.  The most special was when we went to visit with Celi, an investigator, and she wasn't home but we were able to talk to Louis, a recent convert, that lives nearby and we were able to help him and encourage him some, because he's been struggling lately.  Anyway, I love you lots.  Thankyou for keeping me updated on everything and for praying for me.  I love you and am praying for all of you as well.

week 13

Hey everyone.  It was sooooooo good to see and hear you all this Christmas.  During the whole skype call, I kept thinking that truly my family is so beautiful.  I am so blessed to be a part of this family and I am so blessed to have all your prayers and all of your love.  It was am awesome Christmas!!!  This week has been kinda crazy, but in the good way.  I was just looking back on the week with my agenda, and I had forgotten that at the begining of this week is was in a trio, and now it's Hna Leiva and I again.  We all like Hna Theobald, Hna Gerber's new companion, alot.  I was super impressed at how chill she was about skyping her family.  I was also surprised at my own reaction.  I thought seeing you guys would make me homesick, but during the skype call, I was simply happy, and afterwards I was ready to work again.  I was glad when the 26th hit so, I could more easily focus in on being a missionary, because I was a little distracted for the rest of the 25th.  On the 26th we had a group fast for one of our investigator's, Lucia.  She and her aunt, Graciela, are long term investigators, and they are super awesome.  The thing with Lucia is that she knows the gospel is true and she's reading in the Book of Mormon, right now she's in Alma, but she has been living with someone for the last five years and she doesn't know whether she should separate from him or marry him, so she just keeps living with him.  We followed up over telefone to see what she has felt, and she said she hasn't recieved her answer, but we're going to visit with her soon and see how it goes.  Also this week we've had a lesson with one of Graciela's nieces, Veronica, and it went pretty well.  She has alot of questions about the Plan of Salvation, and what we talked about made sense to her, I'm excited for the next chance to meet with her.  She's super friendly and super organized about scheduling.  Also we have a mirical investigator, Kevin, that came to the church 2 weeks after we and the other Hnas talked to him in cyber.  We've taught him the restauration, and he came to church (and FHE and fútbol during the week) again this last Sunday.  Unfortunately he is a little flirtatious, so the next time we're going to try explain clearly our purpose.  Also, he read the testimony of Joseph Smith and one of the chapter's in Nephi (which is super awesome), but when we asked him if he has prayed about it, he said that he doesn't need to because we are so confident.  When he said that I was thinking, "Por favor, que tipo de respuesta es este."   Cristian is still going super strong.  The more I talk with him the more I'm impressed by him.  This Sunday, when I thanked him for coming to church, he told me about how in the morning he knew that he needed to turn on the light or else he was going to fall back asleep, so he turned on the light and said "ha ha gané (I won!)".  On sunday we visited with Flia Aranda their not they are a family that was menos activo and still needs help.  We taught them about gratitute using a conference talk from april, I really hope that they are able to think about the message more, because its sad to see them discontent so often.  And they are a pretty awesome family, they're always willing to open their home to us and to share their food with us.  Anyway I love you guys a ton.  I'm super grateful for all of your example's to me.  And I hope new year's goes well.
ps. Once again, SUPER AWESOME that you kept up the tradition with the Christmas thing, Mom.  Muchas Gracias!

week 11&12

Week 11
Love you both alot.  Things are going pretty overy here.  Thankyou for your loving words and for all your letters.  It's good to know that Heather and folks are finally able to make the move.  Also pretty exciting, Cristian is still going super strong.  In every single lesson he is willing to follow through with the commandments. Law of Chastity, Word of Wisdom, Tithing, all of them he hasn't had a problem. And..........he is going to be baptized this Saturday!!! Yesterday Hna Leiva asked him why he wants to be baptized, and his answer touched my heart and increased my faith. He said that he has gone to a couple of other churches, but he has felt the most peace in this church and through the Book of Mormon. His reason for his faith is the same as my reason for my faith (because of the peace in this church) but it is good to hear from someone else that he feels different in this church. 
Week 12:
So.....first off sorry about last week.  I started to write you last and I wasn't watching the time as well as I should have been, and while I was typing I ran out of time and the computer turned off.  Physically all was well, but emotionally, I was feeling super homesick during email time so it was difficult to type.  Today is a whole lot better.  Honestely I love the length of your letters, I love the questions, and the little details that you include about the family and everyone.  Also great news!  Well two great news.  One is that this week the Aldrege's and senior couple that works in the mission offices came up to Junin in order to do some stuff, and they brought with them, a whole bunch of letters.  The letter with the money wasn't a part of the group, but the advent calender letters were.   I'm not up to date with the letters but I read a bunch this morning, and I loved them so much.  The fact that you included both scriptues and little letters from my nieces and nephews touched my heart so much.  As part of this group of letters was one from Lexie that said I have to wait unto the 24th to open it, so I'll be patient.  The other awesome news is that Cristian was baptized Saturday, and confirmed Sunday.  Crazy right.  Everything went so fast with him, and I'm grateful that we have retention lessons, so we can go over the doctrine and everything at a slower pace.  It was really sweet, the week before the baptism he asked us if we're going to keep meeting with him afterwards, because he likes to fight.  (He's someone that likes to debate for the sake of debating, but always in good humor)  We've also been teaching his grandma and aunt, Graciela y Lucia, and it was really funny.  One day we were teaching him in Graciela's house and they started to debate and it was like they were the same person.  Graciela and Lucia are both really awesome.  They've been meeting with the missionaries for a while now and they both come to church every Sunday.  Their love for the Lord and for other people is really impressive.  Sadly they both have something holding them back.  I love you so much.  Thankyou for the prayers, and the comfort, and the letters.

week 10 pics

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week 10

Wow, first off thanks for telling me about Sis Brucker.  She is an awesome lady, and I am glad that the ward is helping the family with meals and such.  I'm glad that you had a good week.  I had a pretty awesome week as well.  There are 3 companionships in our branch, and on Thanksgiving all 6 of us went to this place called La Carpa which is basically Golden Coral but better.  While we were there a PuertoRican lady came up and started talking with all of us in English and the two other hermanas were able to give her a "El es la Dadiva" card and note down her information so they could visit her.  So that was pretty cool.  Then this Sunday we had 7 investigators in church!  Elder Starr (our district leader) kept asking, "hermanas what did you do? Do you have any advice?"  But it wasn't anything that we did, it truly was a miracle, especially because I feel that our invitations to come to church still need a lot of improvement.  Also something amazing just happened, today during email time one of our investigators called us.  He already has a baptizmal date, but we all acknowledged that it was more of a goal date, not a firm date.  Anyway, he called us and told us that he received his answer and that he wants to be baptized!!!  This is the first time this has ever happend to me, and oh my word, it feels amazing!  We have met a lot a great people here.  Displaying DSCF1058.JPG

week 9

First off sorry for taking so long with the picture for the plaque, I thought the one with the bike was an appropriate picture, but I will make sure this week to get an appropriate picture taken.  Thanks for sending me a bunch of letters, that's really awesome of you to go to that effort for me.  Hna Leiva told me that letters generally take a long time to arrive (like a couple of months) sooooo yeah.  Also something that Hna Millet told me is that when her parents send letters they always make sure to put tape all around the letter and that usually deters the robbers.  Truly I'm happy to have your emails every week.  It's the best part about P-day, being able to come to cyber and read your letters.  Also we had a zone conference this last week with our mission president were he told us about the "He is the gift" or "Ël es el dadiva" initiative.  I'm sure Dad has already heard about it since he seems to always know about what going on in the church before I do.    But it is really cool, we have special pass along cards for the Christmas season, there is a new website, christmas.lds.org, and we learned that on 9 Diciember the church has bought the masthead for youtube for a 30 sec video about "He is the Gift".  And our next p-day, we get to explorenavidad.mormon.org.  During zone conference our mission president talked about how the Christmas season is one of the most exciting times to be a missionary because its one of the most appropriate times to talk about Christ and how He is the gift for the world.  He also told us to tell our parents that honestly it's okay that we can't receive packages because we already have the best gift, our Savior.  And as he was telling us this I honestly felt the same in my heart, that its an excited and happy thing to be a missionary during the Christmas season.  I do miss you guys, but at the same time I am glad to be here, and to have this opportunity to be a representative of Jesus Christ.  Also, Dad, thanks for the letter about hunters and fishers, I love those little inspiring letters.  Another thing that President told us is that we will be skyping our families on the 24 or 25 whichever is better

ps I think it is super cool that Julie is trying out for all-state.  Suerte!
pps and yes I am starting to think is spanish cool right!

week 7

So alot has happened this week.  The coolest thing is that this last Saturday Elder Christopherson gave a devotional for all of South America, and because the devotional was in Buenos Aires, I was able to go and watch in person.  Also really cool, there was a short question and answer session at the end, and all except one of the questions was focused on the work.  Which is awesome!  His talk was on the atonement and on repentance.  Also everyone spoke in Spanish and I was able to understand it all (its always easier to understand the northamericans :)  My favorite thing that he said was during the Q&As, someone asked what we should do if someone feels like all churches are the same and doesn't understand the importance of this church.  First his respose was "let me guess Catolica Postolica Romana?" and we all laughed some.  And after that he said that the best thing we can do is get them reading the Book of Mormon and allow them to feel the spirit of the Book of Mormon.  And that had alot of significance for me because of Rafaela and Daniel and also because of the other thing that happened this week.  Thursday morning President Robertson (our mission president) called and told us there are making some changes was a possibility of them closing down our area, then Thursday night we got a call that confirmed that.  So Saturday after the devotional both Hna Millet and I were taken out of our area.  As I said in the last letter, when we read the introduction of the Book of Mormon with Rafaela she said that she knows that the book and she even asked what she needs to do to be baptized.  However in the last lesson we had with her, last Friday, she was back to all churches are the same, she was already bapized, and her pastor had authority to baptize her through the Holy Ghost.  And we were able to tell her that we know that this is God's church, with His authority, and that she will be able to know through reading the Book of Mormon.  Thankfully she had already started reading, and because of this I was able to feel peace when Elder Christopherson said the best thing we can do is get them reading the Book of Mormon.  So that's my other big change, I'm in a new area!  So, I'm in Junin A, my companion's name is Hna Leiva, she is latina so now I have to talk in Spanish all the time, and she is really nice, so I'm not worried about this companionship.  Lots of people have told me how Junin is the promised land, I'm kinda rolling my eyes at the phrasing, but it is really pretty here and the people I have met are super awesome.  I've already met our sister training leaders and they are both northamerican and really fun, both of them have a California accent and it fits their personalities really well.  So I do still miss Ramos Mejía, and Daniel and Rafaela are in my throughts alot, but I am also excited for this new change.  And truly Junin is very different from Ramos Mejia.  The sister training leaders said that it's very easy to be happy here.  Regardles, I'm happy to be wherever I'm called.  I love you all and hope the next week is great.  Have a good one!

week 6

Wow, that story about Sam made me laugh some.  Our family really is awesome.  Something I'm super grateful for.  Transfers came and went and its still just me and Hna Millet.  I really like working with her, and she has helped me and taught me a lot.  With mail, all mail goes to the offices, and I forget to check to see if I have mail, but I'm going to check tonight.  We're super close to the mission offices so sorry about that.  So this week has been awesome.  First with Rafaela, we read the introduction to the Book of Mormon with her, and she has already been reading different chapters that we have been giving her and we know that she likes reading the Book of Mormon, so we were reading the intro together, and when she got to the part about "we invite all to read..." she paused and started to cry (which she kindof does alot) and she asked us if we know why she is being emotional.  My companion is nodding her head yes, and I'm nodding my head no because I truly had no idea and I'm worried and thinking is she ok, and she tells us that she has received her answer, that she knows that this church is the Lord's true church.  Sad thing is I think she is starting to doubt, but we'll see.  Also her son Daniel, everyday comes closer to the Lord.  This week he prayed for the first time out loud, so hopefully he is praying more in private as well.  He's very fun to teach, because everytime we talk with him there the sense that he gets it in a way that his Mom doesn't.  His mom is a little more dramatic, but I feel like Daniel understands better the quiet voice of the spirit.  We've also met a lot of people this week that have been prepared by the Lord to hear this message.  As always thanks for the letters and I love you a ton. 

week 5

So I wrote Lexie and Anna first and now only have 3 minutes.  So really sorry about that.  Thank you for your inspiring letter.  The message in your letter goes along with my personal thoughts for today.  In my personal study I read 3 Ne 9 13  which says "...will ye not now return unto me, and repent of your sins, and be converted, that I may heal you?"  And that scripture gave me such comfort.  Truly it applies to all of us, both me and the people in the street that I talk to.  I've been getting discouraged some this week, but this scripture renewed my determination, and gave me the inner peace that I need to conqure this week.  This is why I am here, so that everyone can feel the same healing that I have felt.  Also, this is why I'm not going to be discouraged when someone tells me that they are ateo.  Instead my reaction is going to be, more  of "great, I have a message that can change your life for the better, and give you the healing that we all truly want!"  Anyway, thankyou for your letter mom.  Talk to you more next week!  ¡Chao!

week 4

As a matter of fact there have been some cool experiences this week.  This week has been a struggle with too much walking and not enough lessons, but the lessons we have had have been worth it.  First off Rafaela and her family.  This is the family most dear to mine and Hna Millet's hearts.  I've already told you a little about her and her son, so here is a little more info.  Rafaela is living together with Ramon, and Ramon has a daughter, Sofia.  So in the family is Rafaela, Ramon, Daniel, and Sofia.  Ramon is the slowest progressing, he is never a part of the lessons, but he has always been friendly and recently he has been warming up to Hna Millet and I more.  I think we teach Rafaela and Daniel the most, but Sofia is often a part of the lessons.  And this week we taught them the Plan of Salvation and part of The Gospel of Christ.  After teaching the Plan of Salvation along with forever families, I extended the baptismal invitation.  And everyone was silent.  And its pretty funny to me now, because after a bit, Hna Millet asked "did you understand my companion?"  Like, was her spanish really that bad?  And then we started talking about baptizm some and why it is important, and it was cool because both Daniel and Sofia mentioned how the Plan of Salvation makes sense.  They didn't commit to anything, but they are sincerely searching.  Then later in the week we were able to find Jaquelin Vera, Rafaela's niece who is menos activo.  Jaquelin is the person who originally gave us the reference for Rafaela, but it is dificult to find Jaquelin because she has a busy work schedule.  Saturday was the first time that I had talked to Jaquelin, and we knock on her door multiple times during the week.  And coolest part of this week is that: Rafaela, Daniel, Sofia, and Jaquelin all came to chuch this Sunday!  Rafaela is sincerely searching in both the Bible and the Book of Mormon for answers especially about priesthood authority, which is huge for her.  In the beginning when we talked with her about priesthood authority the lessons because slightly contentious because she believes/believed (not quite sure right now) that her church also has priesthood authority.  Sofia is reading the Book of Mormon from the beginning, because she is like Lexie and I, she likes reading, so for her it makes sense to read from the begining.  And Daniel is reading in the Book of Mormon which is also huge to go from saying, "I'm atheist" to bending enough to read and consider.  And both of us do think that Daniel is searching and is interested because he is almost always a part of the lessons, and he has the interested look.  And all of them liked church (They only stayed for Sacrament Meeting/ but hey that's the most important meeting).  Hna Millet called the family later, and asked Daniel what he thought abut church and he said "me encantó" ("I loved it")  This family truly is awesome.  And sacrament meeting was perfect, because it was all about families (yesterday was Día de la Madre) and families are a huge focus for this family.  Rafaela, everytime we get her family together talking about God, she cries.  Daniel has told us that one of his main goals in life is to be a good Dad when he has kids.  Something kinda cool happened to me yesterday.  There was this man, Lucas, working on his motorbike as we were walking down the street, and Hna Millet told me that she wanted me to talk to him.  So I start talking to him, and he tells us that he is ateo(atheist) so Hna Millet asks him why he is ateo, and he says something about how there are so many different beliefs about God and life and such, that there is there is no way to be sure.  So I was able to give him a brief sumary about the Restoration and also the Book of Mormon and it was really cool, to feel the Spirit testify that yes, The church of God has been restored through Joseph Smith and you are able to know through the Book of Mormon.  I think he felt the spirit as we because as I testified about the Restoration and also the Book of Mormon, he look alot more interested.  We invited him to Family Home Evening at the church tonight and he says he is coming so, way cool.  Anyway I love you all.  Have a great week!

MTC pictures

Week 2

I'm way glad you are doing the Halloween tree this year, and I bet Sarah and John will have lots of fun helping you decorate it.  I think your tradition with the Halloween tree and later the 3-4 Christmas trees is such a cool tradition, and I've loved always having those fun trees in our house.  It is so great that your also making the pillowcases and sending them in care packages, stuff like that truly does brighten people's day.  The care packages that you and Heather sent me at BYU helped me a ton, so I know that these gifts you're working on now do help cheer people up.  Also, that is way cool that Hna Millet's mom tracked you down.  Hna Millet, really is a great trainer.  I love watching how she teaches and how she often testifies that the message will be able to help you in your life.  The coolest thing from this week has been, when we've taught the restoration.  Until now I've never testified of the truthfullness of the restoration of the gospel of Jesus Christ to people outside of this church, because I've know how crazy it sounds.  But everytime we have testified about the restoration I feel the spirit testify that this is true.  And the other cool part is how the other person reacts.  There were two different women this week, who when we taught them about the restoration, they were excited and expressed how this actually makes sense to them.  So that's been the coolest part of this week.  The most difficult part is how we have been having a great first lesson and then stuff comes up.  One woman called us and told us that she just got a new job, so she won't be able to visit with us for a while.  So we figure we are going to wait and see with her.  Another called us and told us that she liked our message and later she will probably want to meet with the missionaries more but for right now because her family is going through some stuff (we don't know what exactly) her family doesn't have the time to meet with us.  So I'm glad to be here and I do feel like everyday, the Lord strengthens me a little more.  Thank you so much for your letters.  They also strengthen me.  And I do agree with you, confrence was great.  They ended up letting all us north american missionaries watch the confrence in English, which was a blessing.  Hope the next week goes well, and I love you both.  
-Love Alyssa