Monday, May 25, 2015

week 34

This weeks been pretty great.  Hna Totten and I have been working together in alot of unity and we've been able to have alot of work.  First off, you'll appriciate that I spent your birthday in a great way.  We watch the Cordaba Temple dedication.  And it was amazing.  It was so cool to be a part of it and realize that this is a historic moment for the church in Argentina.  The second temple dedicated to the Lord.  It was an amazing Sunday.  
This week on Wednesday we had a bit of a miracle.  During the day, Hna Totten was thinking alot about one of our investigators named Viviana.  She's the Bishop's sister and she's really nice, but she is also really busy so we havn't been able to have a return appointment in a long time.  Anyway on Wednesday, Hna Totten was thinking alot about Viviana, and wanted to go knock on her door.  So we went before correlation meeting, because she lives close to where we have the meeting, and we knocked on the door, and she was home.  Then as we walked in the door we saw that her nephew, Natu, was there as well.  So we ended up teaching the restauración with her and it was awesome.  She told us yesterday that she felt really great after that lesson.  So the end result of this miracle find and teach moment, is that we now have more contact with her, we're learning more about her and her faith and her doubts, and we are now teaching her.  She's really awesome.  She already knows alot about what we believe, and she told us that for right now she doesn't want to live how we live (refering to the word of wisdom) but that she's not closed off and who knows, as she reads the book we gave her she might change her mind.  Yep that's what she told us.  Daniel y Antonela are still coming along well.  They invited us over for lunch on Thursday and we asked them if there was anything we could do for them spiritually, and they told us no, that they've been pretty great.  Daniel told us that they haven't been fighting recently, and that the other day they started talking about the possibility of marriage again.  He also told us that he's cut down by half the amount of cigaretts that he smokes.  During my personal study today, I was reading about faith in Ether 12, and I thought about how faith in Christ means that we are willing to follow Him, and that we have the confidence that through His atonement we and our investigators can be forgiven, healed, and changed.  So to see the changes they are making it did me good to realize that they are applying the atonement in their lives.  
  We've started teaching Flia Buscarrolo.  They're a couple that have been members of the church for a while now, but they come every so often.  Anyway Hna Buscarrolo, is the sunday school teacher and she's nice and everything.  And Hno Buscarrolo, is someone who is very confused, he loves the Book of Mormon, but he also believes alot of apostasy.  So we've taught them twice now, and the second time was alot better than the first time.  We read the introduction to the Book of Mormon together, and he told us that its hard for him to understand how the Book of Mormon could have been written on gold plates, because it would have then been to heavy to lift.  But at least he was sincere with us and that was a good step in the right direction.  Also something pretty great is that we went to teach one woman named Elvira, the restoration.  She's been inactive for a couple years, but recently reactivated herself.  Anyway as we started to teach her she started testifying and started teaching us.  She's pretty awesome.  One of the things she told us is that she loves to go to gospel principles so she can keep learning, because she loves to learn about the gospel.

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