Monday, May 25, 2015

week 30

Thanks for the update on what's going on at home.  I'm glad your helping out the young women with the pajama pants.  Good luck with everything.  Things are going really good on my end.  We learned this morning the Hna Totten and I are going to keep working together for this transfer, which I'm glad for.  Also it means that unless there is a flash this transfer, which I doubt will happen, Hna Totten will be the first companion that I've had for two full transfers!  Exciting right.  Wow, Lexie will be coming home this Saturday.  That's pretty crazy, but in an awesome way.  And I will definately be keeping her in my thoughts and prayers, for her exams today.  A random side note, but I have gotten way to used to having a planner with me.  And now if there is something or someone I want to pray for, I write it down in my things to do part of the planner.  Yeah, I've realized that I forget stuff really easily if I don't write it down.  I'm also learning how to budget money and time better, and I'm learning that I've got a long way to go on the whole useing time wisely thing.  But the learning process is always good.  As far as Daniel y Antonela are going, things are going really great!  We visited them Thursday and Sunday, and Thursday they were both low for animo.  But then Sunday they called us and invited us over for dinner, and while we were there they started talking about questions they have about what they read in the Book of Mormon.  And before they were reading separately, but somewhere in between visits they just decided to start reading together!  It was just awesome.  And their was a huge difference in between Thursday and Sunday.  Sunday they were both happy and bantering with each other even though the their financial situation hadn't changed.  And after the lesson when we expressed that reading the scriptures gives us the strength we need, they both said "Es verdad".  So yeah, me and Hna Totten were pretty happy yesterday.  We also have two other people that we're working with, but I kinda ran out of time.  The whole learning how to budget my time thing, right? Love ya'll!

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