Monday, May 25, 2015

week 29

This week's been good.  We've had our up moments and our down moments, but overall more up moments then down moments.  Thankfully Hna Totten and I get along really well.  While there is always room for improvement, our unity is pretty good.  That being said we're actually pretty similar in alot of things.  One of those things is that we both love being missionaries, but we also find it difficult at times to activily enjoy being a missionary.  One of our comp goals for this transfer has been allowing the missionary purpose become a part of who we are, and becoming people who are genuninly excited to go out a share the gospel with others.  We've improved, but I know that in this specific goal, I need to improve alot more.  But I'm really grateful that you've put me with Hna Totten, because we've been able to work together on the things that we both need to improve.  As far as the other transfer goal we've had of being more confident, we've improved in that as well.  But once again I know that I need to improve alot more.  Something that I learned about this week is the importance of small, daily, acheivable goals.  A couple of days this last week I've had the goal of having a gospel conversation with three new people; which is actually a pretty small goal and easily acheivable, but I found out that the days that I forgot to write that goal down, I often went through the day barely talking to anyone, and when I did it was more of the type of give them a card and leave.  So anyway, I've been glad for this new daily goal, because most of my goals have been alot more grand long term goals, and I've learned that having daily goals actually helps me alot.  Kindof obvious, but know I have a little bit more of a testimony about it.  
So...we were looking through antinguo investigadores con assistencia and one of the women we found was someone who was dropped a year ago and hasn't been visited since (probably because she lives on the edge of our map).  Anyway we went to visit her and she wants to get baptized.  We've had one lesson with her and she came to church yesterday, so we'll see what happens in the future visits.  We're also still teaching Antonela, Daniel and her have been sick this week so we've only visited them twice.  But the last lesson we had was really good, we applied the teaching method that the zone leaders taught us in zone meeting, and it helped us a ton.  So with Daniel and Antonela, they do want to get married, but they want to wait until they have a stronger relationship.  On thursday we read "La familia, una proclamación..." and Daniel talked about how they both really do want to imrove their relationship, and they like it when we come by because they feel like its helping them come together again.  Its sad because he talked about how when they decided that they wanted to fix their relationship, everything started working against them, cars started breaking down, people started telling them that they should just separate, that good stuff.  But we're excited to keep working with them, because their both really awesome.  Something kinda cool is that one day we were passing by their house and Daniel was outside talking to someone and we were debating whether or not we should interupt them or not, but we decided to go ahead and talk to them and the friend seems semi-interested in our message.  
With one woman, Norma, we don't really know what to do.  We've prayed and talked about her, and we're definately going to keep doing so, but we haven't made much progress with her.  She was baptized a year ago, but she was offended and went back to her old church.  The only progress we've made is that she likes our visits and she's generally happier when we leave than when we came in.  We'll see where things go with her.  We're starting to work more with the Book of Mormon with her because she does have a testimony about that.  Love ya'll.

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