Monday, May 25, 2015

week 28

First off, THANK YOU EVERYONE FOR THE AWESOME LETTERS.  Not just today, but for all the weeks, and for all the prayers that you guys have been praying for me.  In answer to your questions, yep I'm having a pretty great birthday.  Also I was able to watch conference.  I watched part of it in spanish and part of it in english.  It was obviously easier to understand in English, but I enjoyed watching it in Spanish as well.  It was a cool experience.  Also I did hear J. Vaun McArthur, as a 70 and I was wondering if it was who I thought it was, or if it was someone else.  So thanks for settling my question on that one.  I also heared the announcement of a temple in Bankok Thailand, so I'm super excited for David on that account.  La verdad es que me encantó los discursos de Conferencia.  Just saying they were all pretty awesome.  But I kinda agree with all the elders when they said that there were way too many family talks.  Nah just kidding.  I liked all the talks.  And all the family talks helped me refocus my teaching style.  I often go straight in talking about God with the good typical questions like, "¿es creyente?" "Do you belive in God?", that in a way I forget to address the family and how the gospel blesses individuals and blesses families.  There really were alot of talks about having the big picture, and I really do need to improve my ability to teach with the big picture.  As far as Daniel and Antonela are going, things are going pretty great.  They are both people that are very prepared, and very open.  We invited Antonela to be baptised last week and she does want to get baptized.  Pretty cool right?

Letter to the President
So this week has gone pretty well.  Course conference weekend is always awesome.  The talks were pretty inspirational, and I'm excited to try to apply what I've learned.  I loved how some of the talks showed me how I can teach better, and how other's showed me how I can be better.  I especially apreciated how there was a focus on always trying, and always improving.  And the one about enjoying the music of the gospel.  But then again they are really were good.
Para Bautizar Más/ Reactivar:  Things are going really well with Daniel y Antonela.  They are both very prepared by the Lord.  They both told us they were going to watch conference in their home.  So yesterday morning we called them to verificar, and they didn't answer the phone, but we left a message saying "felices pascuas! Esperamos que esten disfrutando conferencia"  Then in between conference we saw that we had a text from them saying "Thanks, happy easter and see ya tomorrow!"  Its really cool that they not only remember our return appointment, but they seem excited for it.  In our last appointment we invited Antonela to be baptized and she was super willing.  When we asked her why she said yes so easily she told us that she had visited with the elders before and she remembers that she liked what she learned.  And we remembered to explain baptism as a covenant and we simply explained the promises we make and the blessings we receive from this covenant.  And I think that helped bring the spirit for our invitation.  The challenge is that their are juntada, and I think we set the baptismal date a little too soon, but thankfully they want to get married.  We also had a cool experience with an investigator named Rodrigo.  We have officially only taught him one time.  When we contancted him we talked for a long time to the point where it was kindof a contact, kindof a lesson.  And we gave him a Book of Mormon and gave him a couple verses to read that answers one of his questions, and also told him that the introduction explains a little bit about where this book comes from.  Anyway when we followed up, he had read and he had changed a little as well.  He talked a little more seriously and sincerely.  And the coolest thing that he told us was that the Book of Mormon seems like it was written more for our day; that its a lot more direct and easier to understand than the Bible.  Its interesting its both he and we recognize that its difficult to accept a new book.  But just by reading part of the book he has started taking us more seriously.  Whereas before he was more interested in us from a more psycological/academic standpoint.  

Anyway, I love you all.  And...............HAPPY EASTER

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