Monday, May 25, 2015

week 32

Something pretty great from this week is that we had our interviews with President and some training sessions, which is something that we all enjoy alot.  
Both Hna Totten and I are refocusing our efforts on finding new investigators because we really do need new people to teach, and its been good.  We've had a good time working with Daniel y Antonela and something pretty awesome is that they came to church yesterday!  When Daniel came to church about a month ago, he liked it.  But in the time in between they've both either been sick on Sunday or they've slept in without meaning to do so.  But yesterday they both came!  Also kindof interesting is that they both said it seemed like something didn't want them to go because Satuday night their daughter didn't sleep at all and they were super tired in the morning, but they both decided that they were going to go to church anyways so that's what happened.  With them we're really trying to help them do the basic stuff like read the scriptures and go to church so that they can have enough faith and strength to overcome some of their obstacles, the biggest one being deciding whether or not they want to get married.  They're pretty amazing.  They've shown the signs of increased faith, they've read a good bit in the book of mormon, and they've started integrating themselves in with the ward, but they've also got a long way to go.  So basically we pray for them alot.  Something amazing is that we brought another couple, Claudio y Carina Segade with us to go teach them this week, and in the time between that lesson and church yesterday, they formed a bit of a friendship.  The Segade's invited them over for dinner on Saturday and Claudio helped them with the wiring for a project that Daniel and Antonela are working on.  Then in church it was pretty awesome, because Daniel helped an investigator of the other hermanas, Jose Luis, feel comfortable in church.  And Daniel is going with the hermanas to a teaching appointment for Jose Luis.  Also a miracle from this week is a lesson that we had with a matrimonio, Herminia y Pedro.  This was our second lesson with them.  Our first lesson with them didn't seem that promising but this time around they were a lot more open to our message.  They suffered a pretty big shock they night before so they took it as a sign that we showed up when we did.  So we'll seen what happens with them.  
  One thing that was pretty cool is that we saw José walking around yesterday while we were walking to another cita.  Anyway it made us both pretty happy to see José because his feet have been hurting him and he hasn't been able to move around much for a while now, so to see him walking around and excercising was good.  Something sad is that Cristina didn't come to church yesterday.  We saw her on Saturday and she was excited to go on Sunday so we don't quite know what happened.  We have a cita with her on Tuesday so we'll see how it goes.  Something pretty great though was that we did see another less active, Rocio, in church yesterday.  And she looked pretty happy, which was nice for us to see because she has been going through a rough time recently.  Also I've come to really appreciate being in the companionship that I'm in.  Its been fun getting to know Hna Totten better and learning how to work together for two transfers in a row.  I love you all.  Thanks for always keeping me in your prayers and for being the awesome people that you are.  Everyday I realize a little bit more how grateful I am for the foundation that you all have given me.  Have a good one!
-Love Alyssa

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