Monday, May 25, 2015

week 35

Also, as always, thanks for telling me the awesome funny stories about whats happening on the home front.  I love you and I am so grateful for your support and for your prayers.  And I love being on the mission.  I passed the 9 month mark with lots of excitement to keep going strong.  Thanks for always helping me in that.  Hope all goes well this next week.  Good luck with sugery and with radiation treatments.  Love you lots

week 34

This weeks been pretty great.  Hna Totten and I have been working together in alot of unity and we've been able to have alot of work.  First off, you'll appriciate that I spent your birthday in a great way.  We watch the Cordaba Temple dedication.  And it was amazing.  It was so cool to be a part of it and realize that this is a historic moment for the church in Argentina.  The second temple dedicated to the Lord.  It was an amazing Sunday.  
This week on Wednesday we had a bit of a miracle.  During the day, Hna Totten was thinking alot about one of our investigators named Viviana.  She's the Bishop's sister and she's really nice, but she is also really busy so we havn't been able to have a return appointment in a long time.  Anyway on Wednesday, Hna Totten was thinking alot about Viviana, and wanted to go knock on her door.  So we went before correlation meeting, because she lives close to where we have the meeting, and we knocked on the door, and she was home.  Then as we walked in the door we saw that her nephew, Natu, was there as well.  So we ended up teaching the restauración with her and it was awesome.  She told us yesterday that she felt really great after that lesson.  So the end result of this miracle find and teach moment, is that we now have more contact with her, we're learning more about her and her faith and her doubts, and we are now teaching her.  She's really awesome.  She already knows alot about what we believe, and she told us that for right now she doesn't want to live how we live (refering to the word of wisdom) but that she's not closed off and who knows, as she reads the book we gave her she might change her mind.  Yep that's what she told us.  Daniel y Antonela are still coming along well.  They invited us over for lunch on Thursday and we asked them if there was anything we could do for them spiritually, and they told us no, that they've been pretty great.  Daniel told us that they haven't been fighting recently, and that the other day they started talking about the possibility of marriage again.  He also told us that he's cut down by half the amount of cigaretts that he smokes.  During my personal study today, I was reading about faith in Ether 12, and I thought about how faith in Christ means that we are willing to follow Him, and that we have the confidence that through His atonement we and our investigators can be forgiven, healed, and changed.  So to see the changes they are making it did me good to realize that they are applying the atonement in their lives.  
  We've started teaching Flia Buscarrolo.  They're a couple that have been members of the church for a while now, but they come every so often.  Anyway Hna Buscarrolo, is the sunday school teacher and she's nice and everything.  And Hno Buscarrolo, is someone who is very confused, he loves the Book of Mormon, but he also believes alot of apostasy.  So we've taught them twice now, and the second time was alot better than the first time.  We read the introduction to the Book of Mormon together, and he told us that its hard for him to understand how the Book of Mormon could have been written on gold plates, because it would have then been to heavy to lift.  But at least he was sincere with us and that was a good step in the right direction.  Also something pretty great is that we went to teach one woman named Elvira, the restoration.  She's been inactive for a couple years, but recently reactivated herself.  Anyway as we started to teach her she started testifying and started teaching us.  She's pretty awesome.  One of the things she told us is that she loves to go to gospel principles so she can keep learning, because she loves to learn about the gospel.

week 33

I'm doing pretty great this morning.  Skyping you helped me have a ton of excitement for the work.  Also I really appreciate the advice that you all gave me.  And it was cool to see you guys put the following up thing in practice with me.  Sooo, just so you know, after talking with you I made sure to go ahead and write in my journal since you guys asked me about that.  I also took a ton of head shot pictures this morning to send you for the plaque.  But the the folder wouldn't open in the computer, so I'm going to try to send the fotos next week.  Also, tell the beehives, that I really appreciated getting the letter.  It was pretty fun, opening the letter and seeing some names that I do know and some names that I don't.  Anyway, things are going pretty great.  As always thanks for your support, and your prayers, and your love.  I have an amazing group of family and friends.  Love you all.

Well, I'm definately feeling really high on animo after last night.  It was something fun to talk to our families, and I feel really energiezed now.  I gotta say, I'm really grateful that you gave us 40 minutes.  Because I know that if you gave us more time, I would take that time, but 40 minutes is a great not to long not to short sort of amount.  Anyway I do want to be more dedicated to the mission and to really giving all my heart, might, mind, and strength to this thing.  And that requires being humble.  A huge example of this is that I still tend to avoid doing practices in the morning during comp study.  And this morning during a practice I realized that its because I don't like feeling weak, and during practices I almost always feel weak because I see all the things that I don't do well.  But I was thinking about how you told me that pride inhibits progress and I realized that I want to be humble enough to learn, and practice, and progress, and be a missionary.  So I made sure to write this goal down, and I'm going to make sure I keep working on it.  Thanks for being such a great sounding board, and for giving me such awesome advice during the interview.  I really appreciate it.  Also pretty great, is that my parents and little sister were able to give me really good advice last night.  I told them about its still really hard for me to do follow up on commitments and the advice they gave me and the way to gave it helped me to see just how necesary it is to do the follow up, and they helped me get over alot of my fears about follow up.
Para Bautizar Más:  In order to baptize more, I definately want to start following up more.  With Daniel y Antonela when we asked them every night if they were reading they read up until 1 Ne 15, but when we stopped asking them, they stopped reading.  My Dad told me that it helps alot when we tell them right from the beginning that we're going to do the follow up, so that then its really natural and normal to follow up, because they're already expecting it.  Also we're working toward finding and teaching lots of new investigators this next week.
Para Retener y Reactivar Más:  In consejo de barrio, our bishop talked to us about the hastening the work initiative.  And alot of the talk was focused on what do we teach menos activos, and everyone talked about how important it is that we treat them like investigators; meaning that we teach them the missionary lessons, and that they have their own registros.  Its something that makes alot of sense and you've already talked to us about that, but it helps to have multiple people say something so that it sticks.  So I'm also rededicating myself to treating menos actives like investigators.  As far as retaining goes the biggest name that we need to work with is Cristina.  She was baptized last month, but she didn't come the last two Sundays to church and we're both wanting to retain her so she stays firm.  So our biggest goal for her is making sure that there are members in every cita that we have to teach her.  It was interesting because this Sunday her neighbors, Elvira y Celeste, came to church but she didn't and they were both concerned that she wasn't there.  What's happening with Elvira is pretty awesome, because she was inactive but she's reactivating herself in order to fellowship Cristina.

week 32

Something pretty great from this week is that we had our interviews with President and some training sessions, which is something that we all enjoy alot.  
Both Hna Totten and I are refocusing our efforts on finding new investigators because we really do need new people to teach, and its been good.  We've had a good time working with Daniel y Antonela and something pretty awesome is that they came to church yesterday!  When Daniel came to church about a month ago, he liked it.  But in the time in between they've both either been sick on Sunday or they've slept in without meaning to do so.  But yesterday they both came!  Also kindof interesting is that they both said it seemed like something didn't want them to go because Satuday night their daughter didn't sleep at all and they were super tired in the morning, but they both decided that they were going to go to church anyways so that's what happened.  With them we're really trying to help them do the basic stuff like read the scriptures and go to church so that they can have enough faith and strength to overcome some of their obstacles, the biggest one being deciding whether or not they want to get married.  They're pretty amazing.  They've shown the signs of increased faith, they've read a good bit in the book of mormon, and they've started integrating themselves in with the ward, but they've also got a long way to go.  So basically we pray for them alot.  Something amazing is that we brought another couple, Claudio y Carina Segade with us to go teach them this week, and in the time between that lesson and church yesterday, they formed a bit of a friendship.  The Segade's invited them over for dinner on Saturday and Claudio helped them with the wiring for a project that Daniel and Antonela are working on.  Then in church it was pretty awesome, because Daniel helped an investigator of the other hermanas, Jose Luis, feel comfortable in church.  And Daniel is going with the hermanas to a teaching appointment for Jose Luis.  Also a miracle from this week is a lesson that we had with a matrimonio, Herminia y Pedro.  This was our second lesson with them.  Our first lesson with them didn't seem that promising but this time around they were a lot more open to our message.  They suffered a pretty big shock they night before so they took it as a sign that we showed up when we did.  So we'll seen what happens with them.  
  One thing that was pretty cool is that we saw José walking around yesterday while we were walking to another cita.  Anyway it made us both pretty happy to see José because his feet have been hurting him and he hasn't been able to move around much for a while now, so to see him walking around and excercising was good.  Something sad is that Cristina didn't come to church yesterday.  We saw her on Saturday and she was excited to go on Sunday so we don't quite know what happened.  We have a cita with her on Tuesday so we'll see how it goes.  Something pretty great though was that we did see another less active, Rocio, in church yesterday.  And she looked pretty happy, which was nice for us to see because she has been going through a rough time recently.  Also I've come to really appreciate being in the companionship that I'm in.  Its been fun getting to know Hna Totten better and learning how to work together for two transfers in a row.  I love you all.  Thanks for always keeping me in your prayers and for being the awesome people that you are.  Everyday I realize a little bit more how grateful I am for the foundation that you all have given me.  Have a good one!
-Love Alyssa

week 31

So, I realize that this will come as a surprise, because I haven't actually written about her in any of my emails, but....we had a baptizm on Saturday.  Her name is Cristina Lopez and she's pretty awesome.  We found her looking through the former investigators part of our area book, while we were looking specifically for former investigators with church attendence.  Anyway when we knocked on her door, two and a half weeks ago she happily accepted us in and here we are now.  Anyway, I think I'm going to start writting about her a touch more in my emails now.  Also about my talking to people goal, it works really well when I remember to do it.  So yeah.  Its been a pretty good week.  I love all your examples about laughing about the side effects of the chemo.  You're awesome Mom.  Also give Lexie and HUGE hug for me.  WELCOME HOME SIS!  Love you all!

week 30

Thanks for the update on what's going on at home.  I'm glad your helping out the young women with the pajama pants.  Good luck with everything.  Things are going really good on my end.  We learned this morning the Hna Totten and I are going to keep working together for this transfer, which I'm glad for.  Also it means that unless there is a flash this transfer, which I doubt will happen, Hna Totten will be the first companion that I've had for two full transfers!  Exciting right.  Wow, Lexie will be coming home this Saturday.  That's pretty crazy, but in an awesome way.  And I will definately be keeping her in my thoughts and prayers, for her exams today.  A random side note, but I have gotten way to used to having a planner with me.  And now if there is something or someone I want to pray for, I write it down in my things to do part of the planner.  Yeah, I've realized that I forget stuff really easily if I don't write it down.  I'm also learning how to budget money and time better, and I'm learning that I've got a long way to go on the whole useing time wisely thing.  But the learning process is always good.  As far as Daniel y Antonela are going, things are going really great!  We visited them Thursday and Sunday, and Thursday they were both low for animo.  But then Sunday they called us and invited us over for dinner, and while we were there they started talking about questions they have about what they read in the Book of Mormon.  And before they were reading separately, but somewhere in between visits they just decided to start reading together!  It was just awesome.  And their was a huge difference in between Thursday and Sunday.  Sunday they were both happy and bantering with each other even though the their financial situation hadn't changed.  And after the lesson when we expressed that reading the scriptures gives us the strength we need, they both said "Es verdad".  So yeah, me and Hna Totten were pretty happy yesterday.  We also have two other people that we're working with, but I kinda ran out of time.  The whole learning how to budget my time thing, right? Love ya'll!

week 29

This week's been good.  We've had our up moments and our down moments, but overall more up moments then down moments.  Thankfully Hna Totten and I get along really well.  While there is always room for improvement, our unity is pretty good.  That being said we're actually pretty similar in alot of things.  One of those things is that we both love being missionaries, but we also find it difficult at times to activily enjoy being a missionary.  One of our comp goals for this transfer has been allowing the missionary purpose become a part of who we are, and becoming people who are genuninly excited to go out a share the gospel with others.  We've improved, but I know that in this specific goal, I need to improve alot more.  But I'm really grateful that you've put me with Hna Totten, because we've been able to work together on the things that we both need to improve.  As far as the other transfer goal we've had of being more confident, we've improved in that as well.  But once again I know that I need to improve alot more.  Something that I learned about this week is the importance of small, daily, acheivable goals.  A couple of days this last week I've had the goal of having a gospel conversation with three new people; which is actually a pretty small goal and easily acheivable, but I found out that the days that I forgot to write that goal down, I often went through the day barely talking to anyone, and when I did it was more of the type of give them a card and leave.  So anyway, I've been glad for this new daily goal, because most of my goals have been alot more grand long term goals, and I've learned that having daily goals actually helps me alot.  Kindof obvious, but know I have a little bit more of a testimony about it.  
So...we were looking through antinguo investigadores con assistencia and one of the women we found was someone who was dropped a year ago and hasn't been visited since (probably because she lives on the edge of our map).  Anyway we went to visit her and she wants to get baptized.  We've had one lesson with her and she came to church yesterday, so we'll see what happens in the future visits.  We're also still teaching Antonela, Daniel and her have been sick this week so we've only visited them twice.  But the last lesson we had was really good, we applied the teaching method that the zone leaders taught us in zone meeting, and it helped us a ton.  So with Daniel and Antonela, they do want to get married, but they want to wait until they have a stronger relationship.  On thursday we read "La familia, una proclamación..." and Daniel talked about how they both really do want to imrove their relationship, and they like it when we come by because they feel like its helping them come together again.  Its sad because he talked about how when they decided that they wanted to fix their relationship, everything started working against them, cars started breaking down, people started telling them that they should just separate, that good stuff.  But we're excited to keep working with them, because their both really awesome.  Something kinda cool is that one day we were passing by their house and Daniel was outside talking to someone and we were debating whether or not we should interupt them or not, but we decided to go ahead and talk to them and the friend seems semi-interested in our message.  
With one woman, Norma, we don't really know what to do.  We've prayed and talked about her, and we're definately going to keep doing so, but we haven't made much progress with her.  She was baptized a year ago, but she was offended and went back to her old church.  The only progress we've made is that she likes our visits and she's generally happier when we leave than when we came in.  We'll see where things go with her.  We're starting to work more with the Book of Mormon with her because she does have a testimony about that.  Love ya'll.

week 28

First off, THANK YOU EVERYONE FOR THE AWESOME LETTERS.  Not just today, but for all the weeks, and for all the prayers that you guys have been praying for me.  In answer to your questions, yep I'm having a pretty great birthday.  Also I was able to watch conference.  I watched part of it in spanish and part of it in english.  It was obviously easier to understand in English, but I enjoyed watching it in Spanish as well.  It was a cool experience.  Also I did hear J. Vaun McArthur, as a 70 and I was wondering if it was who I thought it was, or if it was someone else.  So thanks for settling my question on that one.  I also heared the announcement of a temple in Bankok Thailand, so I'm super excited for David on that account.  La verdad es que me encantó los discursos de Conferencia.  Just saying they were all pretty awesome.  But I kinda agree with all the elders when they said that there were way too many family talks.  Nah just kidding.  I liked all the talks.  And all the family talks helped me refocus my teaching style.  I often go straight in talking about God with the good typical questions like, "¿es creyente?" "Do you belive in God?", that in a way I forget to address the family and how the gospel blesses individuals and blesses families.  There really were alot of talks about having the big picture, and I really do need to improve my ability to teach with the big picture.  As far as Daniel and Antonela are going, things are going pretty great.  They are both people that are very prepared, and very open.  We invited Antonela to be baptised last week and she does want to get baptized.  Pretty cool right?

Letter to the President
So this week has gone pretty well.  Course conference weekend is always awesome.  The talks were pretty inspirational, and I'm excited to try to apply what I've learned.  I loved how some of the talks showed me how I can teach better, and how other's showed me how I can be better.  I especially apreciated how there was a focus on always trying, and always improving.  And the one about enjoying the music of the gospel.  But then again they are really were good.
Para Bautizar Más/ Reactivar:  Things are going really well with Daniel y Antonela.  They are both very prepared by the Lord.  They both told us they were going to watch conference in their home.  So yesterday morning we called them to verificar, and they didn't answer the phone, but we left a message saying "felices pascuas! Esperamos que esten disfrutando conferencia"  Then in between conference we saw that we had a text from them saying "Thanks, happy easter and see ya tomorrow!"  Its really cool that they not only remember our return appointment, but they seem excited for it.  In our last appointment we invited Antonela to be baptized and she was super willing.  When we asked her why she said yes so easily she told us that she had visited with the elders before and she remembers that she liked what she learned.  And we remembered to explain baptism as a covenant and we simply explained the promises we make and the blessings we receive from this covenant.  And I think that helped bring the spirit for our invitation.  The challenge is that their are juntada, and I think we set the baptismal date a little too soon, but thankfully they want to get married.  We also had a cool experience with an investigator named Rodrigo.  We have officially only taught him one time.  When we contancted him we talked for a long time to the point where it was kindof a contact, kindof a lesson.  And we gave him a Book of Mormon and gave him a couple verses to read that answers one of his questions, and also told him that the introduction explains a little bit about where this book comes from.  Anyway when we followed up, he had read and he had changed a little as well.  He talked a little more seriously and sincerely.  And the coolest thing that he told us was that the Book of Mormon seems like it was written more for our day; that its a lot more direct and easier to understand than the Bible.  Its interesting its both he and we recognize that its difficult to accept a new book.  But just by reading part of the book he has started taking us more seriously.  Whereas before he was more interested in us from a more psycological/academic standpoint.  

Anyway, I love you all.  And...............HAPPY EASTER