Monday, April 6, 2015

week 26

So the week's been pretty good.  My companion's name is Hna Totten and we get along pretty great.  I'm getting into the flow of having new companions so thankfully its all been good.  Hna Totten and I are also good at communicating with each other.  And its kinda funny, always after a lesson or after a comp practice, we naturally start evaluating what we want to improve in, and one of us always says WAIT, first what did we do good?  Its healthy when we make sure to evaluate both sides, not just the bad side.  I've enjoyed working with her.  As far as the area goes, I also like working in Hurlingham.  We definately meet tons of people here, and there are alot of great, nice people here in Hurlingham.  Also fun fact for you, there a casino here (Bingo Hurlingham) I'll make sure to get a picture of me in front of it and send it to you.  I'm now in a ward, and I love the ward.  I've been able to meet alot of the members here, and I've felt alot of love from them.  As far as people go, we've had some fun and some interesting experiences.  My first week here, I had this fatal habbit of starting conversations with people who know how to monologue.  As a result one of our companionship goals is learning how to cut people off (its a difficult skill to learn :)  We starting working with one woman named Maricel, she's a really curious person and she easily understands the things we talk about.  I'm excited to see where our next visit with her goes.  She's super talkative, and she's very Argentine in the fact that she's a touch too honest.  But I like her alot, she's very fun to be around.  We also met another curious soul named Rodrigo.  We haven't actually taught him yet but we'll see what happens.  We gave him a Book of Mormon, and it was pretty funny, his first question was "Can I touch it?", and we said "It's your's"  and he was a touch confused so we explained that we have alot and we like to give them to people.  He's very interested in psycology and he talks like an athiest, but he also said that he believes in God, so I'm excited to see where it goes.  As always, I'm excited to see what the next week brings.  I love you guys alot, and I'm loving hearing about your experices on the home front.  You rock mom.  Oh and I just reread some of your questions, and I actually have not played the piano yet, but while I was in Junin I directed the music.  Also another fun fact, Hna Totten and I have the exact same amount of time in the mission.  We were in the Mtc together, but not in the same Mtc distict.  Kinda crazy right.  Also both of our old companions are now together in Junin.  Gotta love the fun connections that we all have with one another.

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