Monday, April 6, 2015

week 22

Soooo, I know that today was the day that I planed to send you guys a nice long letter, but today's going to have to be short as well.  During email time, one of the secretary elders called us, and my companion Hna Gonzalez is getting flashed.  So we don't know what's going to happen to her.  She's super worried that she's getting sent home for her health problems.  I hope not.  I know that she loves the mission, and she wants to stay.  And I honestly love her alot.  You asked how we get along, and we get along good.  There have been some rocky moments (I've learned that rocky moments are bound to come when you're with someone 24-7) but we both feel a strong friendship for one another.  She reminds me of Lexie alot, she can be abrupt at times and she is super sincere and determined to do whatever it takes to accomplish her goals, and she has a huge heart for everyone here.  Yesterday I told her that I'm a little bit mad at her because she keeps reminding me of people at home. 

So once again I'm sending part of my letter to the president

 This week has been awesome for finding new investigators. Especially two different families, Flia Delgado and Andres y Flabia, they both show a lot of potential to progress in the gospel. Flia Delgado are Testigos de Jeovah, and are super open as well. They both understood really well the importance of profets and that there was an apostasy, and they said that they're going to read the Book of Mormon. With Andres y Flabia, they've talked with the missionaries before and it looks like they have an understanding of the restoration. With them we talked about sacerdocio, and how really its the priesthood that sets us apart from any other church, and they both understood priesthood really well. So we'll see what happens with these families in the next week. With Veronica, we had a really awesome lesson with her this week. It was the first time she had actually read what we left her, and we were able to see a difference in the lesson. But after that she droppd off the face of the earth. We haven't been able to get in contact with her and we're a little worried, so we're going to keep trying the next week.
 We started working with a woman, Claudia, that got baptized a year ago but now is inactive. Still working with Cristian, and he's still super faithful. Also Alicia finally came to church this week and that was pretty awesome.

By the way, I love your haircut.  It's super cute. far as the amount of information that you send me, its the perfect amount of information.  I'm trying to improve in the amount of info that I send you.  Also, thanks for sending your stories about the ladies at the quilting retreat, they sound super super awesome. 

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