Monday, April 6, 2015

week 23

As always thanks for keeping me updated, I am trying to return the favor.  Its super weird, during the week I'm always super excited to write you guys, and then p-day comes around and it takes me forever to put my thoughts together enough to write a good letter.  But thankyou for telling me about Stephanie.  I am sorry about what happened.  And Dad, I hope you and your family is ok.  I love you guys, and I know your both a strength to each other, because you both are a strength to me.  As far as the details go.  Hna Gonzalez did get sent home, we did both see it coming, but we didn't want to say anything. She had a migrane almost every day, and so they had to send her home.  Kindof interesting is that the companion of my new companion was also had health problems and went home, so now Hna Andersen and I are together.  


Hola presidente:
With transfers coming up, I wanted to let you know that I really am cool with wherever the Lord decides to send me.  I've been in Junin for a while, and I understand if my time is coming to an end here.  That being said, I have honestely love having Hna Andersen for a companion.  I'm super glad you put us together when you flashed out Hna Gonzales.  We get along super great, and we compliment each other's strengths and weaknesses really well.  It's interesting, I feel like with each companion I've learned something really different, and I've also had to excersise a little more self discipline.  And in this companionship its the easiest to get distracted because we love talking about every random thing together.  But I do feel like one of the reason's we are together is so that we can both learn greater self-discipline together, because we both want to improve in that.  Honestly Hna Andersen is super awesome.  She is a super strong person, she is incredibly disciplined in following her health diet, and she has an amazing talent for seeing things as they really are and then expressing her observations clearly and concisly.  This talent helps us alot during comp study when we're making plans for the day.  : )
Para Bautizar Más: This week we were able to teach Veronica again, and it was pretty great.  Her and Hna Andersen connected really well, so I'm pretty sure that Hna Andersen will play a big role in helping Veronica take the next step in her progression.  We've also started teaching Kevin again, and he's showing a little bit more sincere interest in our message.  I'm kindof amazed that he is still allright talking with us after we had one of those really straightforward "if your not interested we're not coming back" lessons.  Looking back on that lesson with Kevin, I do feel like we could have handled it differently, but it does look like that lesson helped him to understand better our purpose as missionaries.  So I'm glad for that.  As always we'll see what the next week brings.
Para Retener y Reactivar Más:  Today I'm feeling kinda down because it rained yesterday during church, and church attendence was super low.  Even Cristian, our super strong convert, didn't come yesterday.  But its kindof interesting because we called him before church and he sounded low.  And I didn't think to ask him how he was, or if there was anything we could do for him, I just kindof assumed everything was great, and he was coming to church despite the rain.  So now I'm hoping that all is ok with him.  Anyway what I learned from this experience is that we should never just assume, and we should show more genuine interest.  

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