Monday, February 2, 2015

week 19

Allright.  Transfers were pretty great this last week.  My new companion is Hna Gonzales.  Kinda weird, but this is the second transfer in Junin where I'm the only one with a latino companion.  But I'm definately not complaining, it gives me lots of oportunities to practice my spanish.  But its also kinda funny because Hna Gonzales speaks english, so she keeps talking in english with me, while I keep talking in spanish with her.  Her english is alot like Elin's english, practically perfect, so that's pretty cool.  She said that she learned english by watching tv in english with spanish subtitles.  If ever there was a good excuse for watching lots of tv, that's a pretty good one.  It's been pretty great working together, we have about the same amount of time in the mission, so we've been learning alot together.  And it feels nice to work with her more a equals because we both have about the same amount of experience.  As far a investigators go, we're focusing on Kevin right now.  It's really cool to see his tesimony grow a little more each time we see him.  He came to church yesterday, and it was really cool when we visited him in the afternoon and he told us that he feels good when he comes to church.  We're trying to help him see the blessings that come from following Christ, so I was glad when he told us that he feels good in church and that he feels good when he prays.  Something that's kinda cool about directing the area, is that now more than ever before, ideas keep coming into my head, especially about ways that we can work with different members to help the people in this area.  I'm excited to see if we can put some of these ideas into practice this next week.  In the lesson we had with Kevin yesterday, Cristian came with us and it was pretty fun.  Anyway, that's all for this week.  Have a good one!

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